What is 43 Folder System

The idea for the 43 Folders System was introduced by Merlin Dean Mann III in September 2004. It’s a system for schedule reminders using a collection of date labeled file folders that can record up for a year.

How It Works

As the name suggests, it is using 43 folders. You need 43 Folders, whereas 31 folders labeled the number of days “1-31”, and the rest of 12 folders labeled with the name of months in a year.

  • First, keep the folders labeled days “1-31” in front, beginning with the file for tomorrow’s date. For example, if today is the 17th, then the first folder will be labeled “17”. And the rest of the days follow after in the correct order (18 to 31).
  • Behind folder 31, is next month folder. For example, if the current month is March, then the next file is in April.
  • Behind the “April” folder are the rest of the days that’ve been opened (1 to 16).
  • Behind folder 16 is the rest of the months (May to February).
  • The tool for using this system usually is paper-based be it folders or binders. Nowadays, we can also use an app on your smartphone.

The summary is as follows, anything you need to be reminded of on some future action goes into your folder. Every morning, you pulled out the contents of that day’s folder into your inbox. And whatever you placed there be it days or months is right in front of you to grab.

System Usage

The documents that go into the folders can be anything you like to do on a specific date that needed future action, like:

  • To-do List (ex: hotel reservation, meeting reminders, follow-up reminders)
  • Regular activity (ex: watering your plants, pending bills, gym schedule, maintenance reminder)
  • Event (ex: concert schedule, birthday reminders, anniversary)
  • Physical Items (ex: coupon, passport, concert ticket)

There are other uses besides the example above. The sky is your limit, so help yourself regarding what you want to do with it.

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