
Health Benefit of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera plants (A. barbadensis Mill., A. vulgaris Lam.) are the members of lily plants and look more like a cactus and are described as succulents. Hundreds of varieties of aloe vera are available but only few of them have healing properties. Various products are manufactured from the gel which is obtained from the leaves of the aloe vera plant.

Health Benefit of Tea

Probably tea is one of the most consumed beverages in the world, from ceremonial event to casual activities. Tea comes from the leaf of Camellia Sinensis a plant that grows in tropical climates. There are different variety of tea, the most known are black tea, green tea, oolong tea, and white tea, although different in variety they are all come from the same type of plant. What makes them different is how the tea leaves are processes.

What is Bulletproof Coffee

Putting butter in you coffee? Is it even drinkable? Bulletproof Coffee looks like latte but not quite the same. Concocted by Dave Asprey, an American entrepreneur and self-described “biohacker”.

What is Tibetan Butter-Yak Tea

Butter tea, also known as Po cha (Tibetan tea), or cha süma (“churned tea” in Tibetan), is a drink of the people in the Himalayan regions of Nepal, Bhutan, India, and also Tibet.