What is 43 Folder System

The idea for the 43 Folders System was introduced by Merlin Dean Mann III in September 2004. It’s a system for schedule reminders using a collection of date labeled file folders that can record up for a year.

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Health Benefit of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera plants (A. barbadensis Mill., A. vulgaris Lam.) are the members of lily plants and look more like a cactus and are described as succulents. Hundreds of varieties of aloe vera are available but only few of them have healing properties. Various products are manufactured from the gel which is obtained from the leaves of the aloe vera plant.

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Health Benefit of Tea

Probably tea is one of the most consumed beverages in the world, from ceremonial event to casual activities. Tea comes from the leaf of Camellia Sinensis a plant that grows in tropical climates. There are different variety of tea, the most known are black tea, green tea, oolong tea, and white tea, although different in variety they are all come from the same type of plant. What makes them different is how the tea leaves are processes.

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What is GTD System

Getting Things Done (GTD) is a best-selling book about the time management method created by David Allen to increase productivity by organizing your idea to life. It looks like a complex system at first, but once you’ve got the hang of it, you’ll be doing the things you want to do in a much more effective way.

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What and Where is Bandung City

Bandung is the capital of West Java in Indonesia and known for its tea plantation and volcanoes. Recently this city is also known as Smart City (Leveraging technology to improve government services and social media). With its rich history and culture, Bandung offers countless tourist attractions to discover.

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What and Where is Tangkuban Perahu Mountain

Indonesia has many active mountains, one of them is Tangkuban Perahu Mountain which is located in North Bandung. The precise location is in between Sagalaherang village, Sagalaherang district, Subang regency, and Cikole village, Lembang district, Bandung regency. It’s about 30 km north of the city of Bandung. It is a tourist destination that is very popular in Indonesia.

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What is Bulletproof Coffee

Putting butter in you coffee? Is it even drinkable? Bulletproof Coffee looks like latte but not quite the same. Concocted by Dave Asprey, an American entrepreneur and self-described “biohacker”.

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What is Tibetan Butter-Yak Tea

Butter tea, also known as Po cha (Tibetan tea), or cha süma (“churned tea” in Tibetan), is a drink of the people in the Himalayan regions of Nepal, Bhutan, India, and also Tibet.

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The Best GBA Platform Games I Have Ever Played

A platform game (or platformer) is a video game genre characterized by requiring the player to jump to and from suspended platforms or over obstacles (jumping puzzles). It must be possible to control these jumps and to fall from platforms or miss jumps.

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